Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I woke up yesterday morning with a nasty migraine. Lots of Excedrin and coffee and still couldn't shake it. Watched an amazing movie...Courageous. What a wonderful production and testimony. Highly recommend it ! Went to work for a little while, but it was really slow so I went home. It had been raining...Hard...all day long...bucketing actually! So I came home, turned on the fireplace, and curled up on the couch with a few books and lit a new candle.

Vanilla Snowflake from Bath and Body Works. This is my new favorite! Just a hint of vanilla, soft and yummy!  They are on sale right now...if there are any left!

I read a bit of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace, and the I read the sweetest book, The 13th Day of Christmas by Jason Wright. This was a delightful and lovely story!  I know it's after Christmas, but it extended it just a bit for me! Go check it out at your library!

Woke up this morning and my headache was gone...yea!! No more rain either, but I noticed the pond was up quite a bit. Went outside with my camera and saw this!!

and this!

When we put the dock in last summer we measured it to the high water mark and then added a little bit. It's scary to think we've hit it already and it's only January! We're going to try and pump some of the water out tomorrow as we have a big cold front moving in and we don't want the pond to freeze around the boards. Sound fun? I don't think so either!!!!

Wish the water was always this high!!! It would make jumping off a little more fun!

Snow for the weekend...good thing my outdoor Christmas lights are still up! Makes it more sparkly!!


  1. Holly, sorry about your day being under the weather, head and rain. I wrote the book title down, love a good book. I have been tempted to watch the movie, free on demand right now. I will make sure I get it in soon since you have recommended it. Did you make the candle mat, very sweet! We can only hope for some of your rain and snow, our ponds are still very low. I would love to work at a library, love it. Have a great day!

  2. Send us some of your rain. WE are DRY here in Missouri :)! Blessings to you!!!

  3. I love the movie Courageous. We saw it in church and it has such a wonderful message!


  4. I found your blog this morning, arriving after seeing your link on another blog. Oh my goodness, I love your posts and photos. What caught my eye was "I wish I were a Walton." Yes! Me too. I have the whole series. It was the Walton's that inspired my love of vintage. I have bookmarked your site and can't want to go and read all the posts. It's just what I needed on this frozen, foggy morning.
    Bless you,
