Monday, August 13, 2012

Wedding Project # 1

It's begun. The wedding is 11 1/2 months away and we're already feeling the pressure! So last weekend we (I provided drinks!) got one thing out of the way.  

The Dock.

Three years ago, when we cleared out the blackberries, we had a friend come in with a REALLY BIG tractor and dig out the roots, level, grade etc.. And while he was here, Brian and he had the brilliant idea to run out and get some posts so that Grant could pound them in with the bucket of the REALLY BIG tractor. So they did. And that was it. It's been like that all this time.

But last weekend Brian decided it was time to "get er done". Papa Ron came over to help. Tyler even got in quite a few hours, but I don't have a picture of him...surprise...

The little paddle boat came in quite handy for working on the end of the dock. The pond is down about 4 feet right now, but it's still quite a drop off. Only a few feet out and it's over our heads.
Brian, Papa and Tyler got the framing part done. If you look in the background there are piles of blackberry vines. That was my other contribution!

The next day Brady (SIL) came out to help, along with papa again, and the got all the decking cut and installed. Only a few things were dropped, and they were found pretty quickly!

We ended up being one board shy, so I guess technically, it's not really finished!

The guys getting approval from the future bride and the grandma! It turned out great, especially for  randomly pounding posts into the water!

No pictures, but Brian did the first cannon ball off of it yesterday! Works great!!!!

Hoping to add some lighting and hang some lanterns for the wedding.

One project down....1078 more to go!


  1. And it starts!!! Wait until you fix up things that you do not plan on keeping. We painted two decks that we plan on replacing because we did not have the time or the funds to take care of it before the wedding last summer. Was going to rip one up this year and replace with patio stones but it was just painted last will look so pretty with lights on it! Maybe some dancing too!

  2. I love the title of your blog. I wish I were Walton, too! Congratulations on your new dock! It looks great!


  3. It's a good thing you didn't ask Charles to help build.... 10 long years later.......... it MIGHT be done. :) Can't wait to see it - Love you All! xoxox SIL.
